June 17, 2015

Wordless Wednesday


June 10, 2015

Wordless Wednesday


April 29, 2015

Wordless Wednesday!


April 28, 2015

Review: Schick Hydro Silk® Disposables

*FTC Disclaimer* I received this product for free to test and review. The opinions that follow are my own, and are not influenced by any entity. I was definitely a little skeptical going in to this Bzzagent campaign. I have used Venus razors for since high school, with no inclination to switch. Although in that time, I have tried a few new razors, I always gave them away and went back to my old faithful Venus. The last time I tried a Schick razor,...

Spring Time DIY Project!

Lately I have been really in to gardening, and subsequently, flowers. Flowers are something that I've always found beautiful, but figured I didn't have the know-how or the patience to mess with it. I decided to start planting flowers this spring, and after I saw a super cute tiered plant project on Pinterest - I knew what I had to do. (You can find my inspiration here: tiered...

April 23, 2015

Review: SoapBox Acai Berry Shampoo & Conditioner

I'm always looking for ways to make my life a little greener, and to rid my body of harmful or unnecessary chemicals. One area that keeps stumping me is my shampoo and conditioner choices. I'm forever on the hunt for a shampoo/conditioner that doesn't include sulfates and parabens, but still makes my hair soft, silky, and manageable. Most options are just "pretty good"...

February 28, 2015

2015 Goals: Two Month Accountability Check

Accountability Check! Well we are two months in to 2015, and I'm ready to do another check-in with you. (Whether I want to or not!) Keep a closer eye on astronomical events. We haven't caught anything special yet, but I'm hopeful! Buy even less. We got our tax refund, so we did some spending. We had our old laptop, which had been broke since last summer, looked at. Turns out it was definitely dead in the water and would take more money to fix...